Effective Diet Measures For Weight Loss In 2017

May 5, 2017

Adopting a healthy diet does not mean you have to give up favourite foods. Culinary variety is the main rule to be followed. So eating healthy means to eat: vegetables, fruit, bread, cereals, potatoes, rice, pasta etc. in moderated quantities.

“Food Pyramid” provides a balanced diet based mainly on vegetables and fruits at the bottom, smaller portions of food that our body has less need, such as fat and sugar. In order to create that balance, there are some options you could opt for. Here are few ideas suggested by Beautyspin.

Healthy Food

Rina Diet

Rina diet promises to help you lose 10 kg in 90 days without much effort! But returning to unhealthy eating habits after the diet can cause a yo-yo effect.

In general, dissociated diets give results fast, because you cannot eat, no matter how hard you try, a large amount of the same food. Basically, dissociated diet is based on calorie restriction in a natural way, without you being forced to calculate them. Simply eat less!

For 90 days, repeat a 4-day diet plan:

• Day 1: Proteins
• Day 2: Vegetables (including starch)
• Day 3: Vitamins
• Day 4: Carbohydrates

Every day you are allowed to eat one type of food from day 1 to day 4, and then resume the cycle of 4 days and this continues for 90 days. During this time, you can lose at least 10 kg, provided you stay within the guidelines of the diet.

Rina Diet Rules

On the 1st day (which is of proteins) it is recommended to eat boiled, grilled or cooked meat by steaming. The best sources of protein for a weight loss diet are chicken, turkey, beef, and fish. If too much meat can make you feel bad, you can vary the diet with a boiled egg and fat cheese, but the ideal would be to eat meat.

On the 2nd day, the consumption of vegetables (including those with starch) is perhaps the easiest to follow, because you can eat potatoes, which immediately gives you the feeling of fullness. In addition, you have at hand a variety of vegetables, grains, and legumes that you are allowed to eat them on this day and that you can prepare in countless combinations.
Let your imagination free and include potatoes, mushrooms, onions, beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, spinach, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, beets, parsley or dill on the menu!

Rina Diet

The 3rd day of carbs is certainly totally atypical for a weight loss diet and probably one of the reasons why diet Rina is so popular: now you can eat pizza (without cheese or meat!), cookies, a slice of cake or even a few squares of dark chocolate!
On the vitamins day, you get a real dose of nutrients because you can eat unlimited amounts of fruits and vegetables – such as salad oils followed by a dessert made from grapes.

It is recommended that you set a regular schedule for meals and respect the times you eat every day. If you are looking for fresh food at unbeatable prices, do not hesitate to check Ocado.

The Yogurt Diet

You have an important event that should attend in the near future and the dress you bought last year no longer fits you?

The newest trend in the diet which has been effectively used by stars like Courtney Cox, David Arquette and even some top models from Victoria’s Secret is the yogurt diet that helps you lose three kilos in just 15 days.

But keep in mind that this diet should not be used for a long period as it could cause health problems. Let’s see what is this all about.

First, it should be noted that you can eat fruity yogurts, but preferably is the natural, fat one and then add fresh fruit. It is well known that most yogurts with fruits have increased sugar levels.

The nutritionist Michael Zemel explains how this diet helps you lose weight: “The body fat is responsible for the production of cortisol, a hormone that exacerbates hunger and cravings. When you eat yogurt, the calcium in it sends a signal to cells to eliminate cortisol and such amino acids will help to burn fat products, contributing to weight reduction.”

Yogurt Diet

Rules of Yogurt Diet

• Breakfast – a cup of coffee or tea without sugar (use honey), a teaspoon of wheat/oat cereals added to a glass of 200ml natural yogurt.

• Snack– a cup of yogurt with fresh fruit.

• Lunch – you can choose between a portion of rice with red filled peppers with low-fat cheese and mushroom or a portion of salmon with sautéed vegetables like baked potato, tomato salad, cucumbers, radishes, onions, lettuce, bell pepper.

• The dessert – a skimmed natural yogurt bowl with few strawberries or grapes.

• Snack – a fat natural yogurt.

• Dinner – skimmed natural yogurt with apple slices, pear, peach, etc.

Of course, you must not forget that this diet is restrictive and should not be used for more than 15 days. Moreover, people who have high cholesterol, suffering from gallstones or hepatitis are advised not to follow this diet because of the high content of calcium and phosphorus, which can cause complications.